Several hundred people- many of them in uniforms- came out to remember those lost and injured during the Herkimer Shootings in March, while also taking time to thank first responders.
Veteran's Day is approaching, and the local American Legions are doing their part to honor our local heroes.
This list will be updated as information comes in. If you know of any other ceremonies in the area, feel free to tell us at news@wibx950...
Utica, NY (WIBX) - The strong and lasting bond of friendship was apparent during a ceremony honoring a New York Mills man for his military service during WWII.
Oriskany, NY (WIBX) - The official renaming ceremony of the Oneida County Law Enforcement Building, in honor of fallen Deputy, Kurt Wyman, took place this morning in Oriskany.
Utica, NY (WIBX) - The Mohawk Valley...standing in unity with the rest of the country to remember the victims on this 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.