A local school teacher called the Keeler Show on Friday with an emotional plea for parents to be patient as many schools make their way through virtual classes. She asked to remain anonymous.

"She says she's a local teacher, she doesn't want to give the school district or the grade-level but she has a story that she wants to share," said Keeler Show producer Andrew Derminio as he informed Keeler of the caller.

It was a tearful call as the teacher described the frustration of completely changing the way teachers teach, which is happening in schools all around the country in 2020.

"I have watched other teachers go through these first days of school in tears. I have also witnessed teachers receiving nasty emails on things that are totally to of their control," she said.

The teacher added that the teachers she works with want nothing more than being back in the classroom and having their students seated at their desks. Sadly, she said that many schools are not prepared to reopen properly and lack the equipment and technology needed to effectively teach their students.

The caller fought back tears as she described her experience, claiming that she had also been on the receiving end of harassing communication from some parents who disagree with the reopening plan at her school.

She asked that people be patient as schools figure out how to best teach their children in a safe and proper manner.

Listen to the call below:



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