Mohawk Valley Choral Society Looking For Singers
Little Falls, NY (WIBX) - They are preparing for the December concert series, and the Mohawk Valley Choral Society is looking for new members.
New members must be free on Monday nights and love to sing. Membership is open and there are no auditions.
Rehearsals begin on Monday September 10, 2012 for the presentation of George Frideric Hendel's "The Messiah," to be presented this winter. Rehearsals take place from 7:30pm to 9:30 pm at Herkimer County Community College.
The society was founded in 1982 and averages about sixty-five members.
For more information call the Mohawk Valley Choral Society at: (315) 823.1615 or (315) 826.3092, click on the website link above, or visit the group's Facebook page.