School Safety Summit Held At Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES
In light of last month's school shooting in Florida and a number of recent threats to local school districts, a School Safety Summit was held on Thursday at Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES in New Hartford.
Superintendents from all 15 Oneida County School Districts were joined by members of the Oneida County Law Enforcement Coalition.
Howard Mettelman is District Superintendent of Schools. He says the goal of the summit is to look at enhancing communication with local law enforcement and to see what additional training may be needed to make sure schools are ready for an emergency.
Mettelman says all of the local school districts are well prepared to handle any situation that may arise.
He says they've spent a great deal of time over the last 24 months improving building level emergency plans, as well as district plans. Mettelman says all of the school districts are ready to implement those plans for a variety of issues that occur.
Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente, Senator Joseph Griffo and Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri also attended the summit.
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