NYers Who Want To Buy Guns Won't Have To Do ThisNYers Who Want To Buy Guns Won't Have To Do ThisAn appeals court ruled it unconstitutional.Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
Major Changes to NY Gun Laws Just Before Hunting Season BeginsMajor Changes to NY Gun Laws Just Before Hunting Season BeginsHunting season is right around the corner but there are major changes to New York gun laws hunters need to be aware of. PollyPolly
Are Private Gun Sales Legal In New York State?Are Private Gun Sales Legal In New York State?If you own a gun in New York and want to sell it, can you do it legally?Yasmin YoungYasmin Young
5 Things New York Should Ban But Never Will5 Things New York Should Ban But Never WillIt seems like New York State is banning everything nowadays, but here are a few things that should be added to the listEd NiceEd Nice
No More Muskets? Popular & Educational Reenactment Canceled in NYNo More Muskets? Popular & Educational Reenactment Canceled in NYConfusing new gun laws have left organizers wondering if it's legal to brandish a musket for historical or entertainment purposes.Will PhillipsWill Phillips
Gun Applicants In NY Will Have To List Social Media AccountsGun Applicants In NY Will Have To List Social Media AccountsNew York state is requiring people seeking to carry concealed handguns to hand over lists of their social media accountsAssociated PressAssociated Press
Thoughtless, Political - NYS Sheriff's Blast State's New Gun LawsThoughtless, Political - NYS Sheriff's Blast State's New Gun LawsThe NYS Sheriff's Association says one critical component was lacking in passing new gun legislation: a consult with those who enforce the laws.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
Opinion: Obvious Failure Led to Buffalo Massacre That Killed 10Opinion: Obvious Failure Led to Buffalo Massacre That Killed 10There is an obvious failure that led to the massacre in Buffalo on Saturday, but sadly too many people seem to be ignoring this question.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
11 New York State Mayors Call for Law to Sue Gun Manufacturers11 New York State Mayors Call for Law to Sue Gun ManufacturersMayors from 11 New York cities have called on leadership in the state legislature to enact a stricter gun law in the state.Andrew DerminioAndrew Derminio
Roberts Seems to Hold Key to Case Over New York City Gun LawRoberts Seems to Hold Key to Case Over New York City Gun LawChief Justice John Roberts appeared Monday to be the key vote in whether the Supreme Court considers expanding gun rights or sidesteps its first case on the issue in nearly 10 years.Associated PressAssociated Press