
New Questions Raised on NYS Fracking Policies
New Questions Raised on NYS Fracking Policies
New Questions Raised on NYS Fracking Policies
Recently-released documents suggest the Cuomo administration was aware of a Tioga County propane fracking proposal when it acted to restrict high-volume hydraulic fracturing. Walter Hang, president of Ithaca-based Toxics Targeting, said he sought documents from the Department of Environmental Conservation regarding an application filed for the town of Barton project...
Supervisor Says Secession Suggestion Wasn’t Serious
Supervisor Says Secession Suggestion Wasn’t Serious
Supervisor Says Secession Suggestion Wasn’t Serious
The Conklin Town Supervisor says he wasn’t really serious when he said the Southern Tier of New York should secede and become part of Pennsylvania after an indefinite ban on high-volume hydraulic fracture drilling for natural gas in New York was declared in December.
Brindisi Reacts To Hydrofracking Ban
Brindisi Reacts To Hydrofracking Ban
Brindisi Reacts To Hydrofracking Ban
Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi says he's pleased the Cuomo administration has rejected hydrofracking in New York State for the foreseeable future, until more data on its possible health and environmental effects can be collected.
New York To Prohibit Fracking
New York To Prohibit Fracking
New York To Prohibit Fracking
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration will move to prohibit fracking in the state, citing unresolved health issues and dubious economic benefits of the widely used gas-drilling technique.

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