Officials in Wayne County, Pennsylvania are looking for help identifying the body of a man found in Salem Township at around 4:30 p.m. November 30th off Goose Pond Road.
Within the next few weeks a law will go into effect that will prevent tattoo parlors from reusing needles. It will also require 'single-use' pigment (ink) packs. Bethanne Callahan-Plato is the owner of Bodily Charm in Utica. She agrees that there needs to be stricter regulations when it comes to tattooing, but she feels the legislation that has passed now has it all wrong.
Getting a tattoo is an awesome way to express oneself, but a decent amount of thought should go into getting inked because, well, they're permanent. We'll take a wild guess and say you might not be a fan of that eyelid tattoo in a couple decades, either.