
5 Thanksgiving Myths Debunked — Pilgrims Didn’t Wear Buckles? (And More)
5 Thanksgiving Myths Debunked — Pilgrims Didn’t Wear Buckles? (And More)
5 Thanksgiving Myths Debunked — Pilgrims Didn’t Wear Buckles? (And More)
Thanksgiving, which we've been celebrating in America for centuries now, is a time of family, food and, especially, tradition. Even so, many of the stories we take as gospel about this wonderful holiday—wonderful if you’re not endlessly bickering with your relatives, that is—aren’t true at all. Myth, legend and wishful thinking play into a lot of the misconceptions surrounding Turkey Day. Read Mor
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
As guys, we'll eat almost anything. Brew us up some cat poop coffee, toss us a stuffed cone pizza explosion; we can handle it. There is one thing we're a little weary to try, though -- mostly because it's a male issue at hand -- deep fried turkey testicles.
Make Thanksgiving Dinner From Scratch with This Recipe Roundup
Feeling up for a challenge this Thanksgiving? Sick of the canned cranberry sauce and the pre-made, store-bought turkey? Try cooking an entire feast for your family… from scratch! Let’s face it, in the end, you may be a little bit worn out, but you get to eat the delicious results and bask in the light of your own accomplishment. This year, ...