15 Little Known Facts About Central and Upstate New York You Might Not Know
Central and Upstate New York is home to many cities and towns that range east to west from Albany, Utica, Binghamton, Syracuse and Rochester and some may even consider Buffalo, Upstate. With that wide span of territory, there comes a lot of facts.
Here are 15 things you might not know about the places we call home:
15 Little Known Facts About Central and Upstate New York
Some of us know one or two of these facts about Upstate New York, but here is a list of documented things about the region that are not so widely known.
Did you know that...
What Famous People Allegedly Own Homes In Upstate New York?
What famous people allegedly own homes in Upstate New York?
These Utica and Rome Restaurants From Your Childhood Need To Make A Delicious Come Back
We asked this simple question on social media and got a lot of responses. These are just the top ones, obviously we could always add to this list. You can chat with us on our station app to add to the list as well.
Amazing Nostalgic Photos of Uptown Utica
Check out this awesome collection of photos showing what Uptown Utica used to look like. It's amazing to remember what businesses used to be there.
Million Dollar Mansion In Westernville Once Owned By A Signer of The Declaration of Independence Can Now Be Yours
Take a peek at the 4 story mansion that is for sale in Westernville, NY on the river and provides lake access to Delta Lake. It's not everyday a home comes on the market in CNY that has ties to USA history, but this one sure does. This home was once owned by General William Floyd who was a politician at the time of the Revolutionary War and signed the Declaration of Independence. Look through the home here to see its rich history.
Must See: Inside The Brand New Air City Lofts at Griffiss Park in Rome
View these photos from within the brand new loft-style apartments at Air City Lofts in Rome, NY
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