2017 School Budget Vote Results
Local residents headed to the polls on Tuesday to vote on school district budgets and decide on school board members.
Here are the results from reporting districts:
Central Valley School District-
Budget passed: 589 YES, 88 NO, Kelly Rowland and Travis Costin elected to School Board seats.
Clinton Central-
Budget passed: 307 YES, 86 NO, Bus Proposition passed, 347 YES, 41 NO. Luke Perry, Timothy Thomas and Megan Burdick elected to School Board seats
Frankfort Schuyler-
Budget passed: 193 YES, 26 NO, Lisa Morgan and Kathleen Sarafin elected to School Board seats.
Herkimer Central-
Budget passed: 260 YES, 100 NO, A proposition to create a capital reserve fund was also approved, 273-88. Diann Fischer and Scott Petucci elected to School Board seats
Holland Patent Central-
Budget passed: 409 Yes, 124 NO, Bus Proposition passed, 415 YES, 199 NO. Noel Gaige elected to School Board seat
Madison Central School District-
Budget passed: 91 YES, 46 NO. Bus Proposition passed: 98 Yes, 38 NO, Steve Yancey and Stephen Dodge elected to School Board Seats.
New Hartford Central-
Budget passed: 853 Yes, 215 No. Bus Proposition passed, 828 Yes, 240 NO. Annette Bean, Cindy Chan Phillips and Linda Lark elected to School Board seats
Poland Central-
Budget passed: 242 YES, 45 NO. Capital Project Propositions One and Two both passed. Pamela Ahles and Faith Murphy elected to School Board Seats.
Rome City School District-
Budget passed: 542 YES, 151 NO. Joseph Mellace, Stephen Hampe and John Leonard elected to School Board seats.
Utica City School District-
Budget passed: 1,803 YES, 396 NO. Louis LaPolla and Chris Salatino elected to School Board seats.
Whitesboro Central-
Budget passed: 878 YES, 302 NO. Bus Proposition passed, 914 Yes, 251 NO. Brian McQueen and Thomas Schoen, Jr elected to School Board seats.