Dialing 211 Will Get You Answers to Almost Any Question You Have in Central New York
Did you know that the United Way of the Mohawk Valley has an incredible service for residents who may need assistance in the Central New York region? It is not something new, but many people do not know it even exists. All you have to do is dial three simple numbers and almost any question you may have will be answered.
Sarah Macri of the United Way of the Mohawk Valley joined WIBX Wednesday morning to inform listeners of the advantage of the 2-1-1 service available to anyone with access to a phone of any kind. This service helps residents in Oneida, Herkimer and Madison Counties. Macri says when you call,
You get a live person, it is multi-lingual, it's a free service, it's 27/7 with no time off. You can literally call any time of the day. Our contact center is based out of Syracuse and the wonderful people there are trained to deal with any sort of crisis, so if you are in need they will be able to help.
That is no exaggeration. You can call about almost anything and there will be a resource to help guide you. Some of the items they help address include:
- Healthcare
- Shelter & Housing
- Food & Clothing
- Utilities
- Legal Help
- Employment
- Education
- Childcare
- Mental Health
- Disability Services
- Veterans Services
- Disaster Information
- Disaster Aftercare
- Substance Use Prevention
- Rehabilitation Programs
- Counseling & Support Groups
And there is so much more.
It's as simple as picking up the phone and calling 2-1-1. There are even options for hearing impaired individuals. Those people can dial relay 711 and ask for 1-844-342-5211. You can also utilize the 2-1-1 service by texting your zip code to 898-211 or by visiting www.211midyork.org/. You are not alone and the United Way is here to help!
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