Cuomo Announces Impaired Driving Crackdown
State and local law enforcement throughout the state will be stepping up patrols to crackdown on drunk and impaired driving during the holiday season.
The crackdown is part of the national "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” initiative designed to reduce alcohol and drug-related crashes.
It’s sponsored by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.
"New York has zero tolerance for impaired driving," Governor Cuomo said. "Motorists who drive under the influence not only put themselves at risk, but endanger the lives of everyone else. Be safe and smart this holiday season, whether you're on the road or not. If you must travel, drive sober or have a plan in place to get where you're going safely."
The campaign runs through January 1st.
Last year, more than 159,000 tickets were issued, including over 5,600 for DWI.
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