Elected Officials React To Governor’s Budget Proposal
Elected officials are reacting to Governor Andrew Cuomo's 2019 Executive Budget proposal.
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli:
The Governor put forth an Executive Budget proposal to tackle the serious, unprecedented issues facing New York state over the coming year, including multiple threats to the state’s financial picture. There is no doubt that New York state faces many challenges ahead. While personal income tax collections were strong in December, the future is clouded with uncertainty. The federal tax bill’s impact on New York’s budget is yet to be fully determined, but we know it will force tough decisions. The level of cuts in federal aid for health care and other programs remains in question. Out-year budget gaps and shrinking statutory debt capacity are also growing concerns.
“In the coming weeks, my office will thoroughly review the Executive Budget, examine both the near-term and long-term impact of these proposals and provide a detailed analysis.”
Assemblyman Marc Butler:
“New York state is facing a possible $4 billion budget deficit, and no matter how the governor or anyone else wants to spin it, it is due to our government’s excessive spending problem. Washington’s been blamed, falling revenue has been blamed, but it always come down to this — the state spends more than what it can. I highly encourage the governor and my legislative colleagues to resist the temptation to finger point, but instead work together to see where we can pare down spending and wisely protect investment where it counts the most.”
Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi:
“We face many challenges this year putting together a state budget, not the least of which is a $4.4 billion budget deficit, and $2 billion in federal cuts to health care. Last year, New York taxpayers sent about $48 billion dollars more to Washington than we received back in federal spending, and the recent federal tax bill further complicates this. This needs to change. Under the tax bill, the sizeable tax cuts the wealthiest Americans are receiving are being placed on the backs of middle class New Yorkers. I certainly will take a look at the Governor’s proposals to reduce the burden this plan places on average taxpayers—who should not be the cash cows for the rest of the country. I am encouraged by the Governor’s statements to increase aid to our high needs school districts. I have sponsored legislation to close the Carried Interest Loophole that benefits hedge fund managers, so I support his proposal to take this long-needed action, which will bring about $1.1 billion dollars in revenue to the state to fund health care, education, and our infrastructure needs. This budget will be a work in progress in the coming weeks, but I look forward to working together with my colleagues and with those I represent to pass a budget in the best interests of New York State working families.”
Senator Joseph Griffo:
“The presentation made by the Governor today signals the start of this year’s budget process. We as a Legislature are now tasked with the challenge of trying to come to an agreement on a budget that will be beneficial to all New Yorkers. However, there are questions over many of the proposals and concepts outlined today, and I remain troubled by the inclusion of policy in in the state budget. These are issues that should be vetted independently and transparently.
But now that the budget process has begun, we will examine every detail of and make counterproposals or changes to the Governor’s proposed spending plan to ensure that the state’s taxpayers are protected by a sound, responsible and balanced budget that aims to make New York more affordable. We also must closely scrutinize the Governor’s call to overhaul the state’s tax code. While I recognize the potential impact that federal action could have on New York, we must be careful about modifying or changing the state’s tax code without first carefully analyzing and hearing how the state’s residents and business owners could be impacted. Our goal should be to lower taxes, not find ways to continue burdening New Yorkers.
In the Senate, we have already taken steps to make our state more affordable, including delivering a $4.2 billion middle class income tax cut that is set to take effect this year, proposing millions of dollars in new tax relief and ensuring that the state government remains fiscally responsible for the long term. It is imperative that we continue to work to get a handle on state spending while also being mindful of the hardworking taxpayers and small business owners throughout the state who have dealt with high taxes and have faced burdensome regulations for too long.”
Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri:
“During these uncertain times, Governor Cuomo has led our State by representing the best interests of New Yorkers and advocating against the divisive and unfortunate actions in Washington.
In his budget address the Governor laid out plans that will enhance the quality of life for New Yorkers, while continuing the economic growth our state has experienced since he took office in 2011. I commend the Governor for his comprehensive agenda and look forward to seeing its positive impact in our community and communities across New York.”
Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente:
“Governor Andrew Cuomo’s budget presentation is the first step in a process that will span months. I will continue to take a hard look at this budget and the ways it will affect Oneida County. We need see emerging details in all parts of this budget, including tax policy as we deal with the effect the federal tax bill will have on communities all across New York. The proposed changes in tax policy from income tax to payroll tax is one such policy that needs a closer look before a determination can be made.
One item of immediate interest to all counties is the Governor’s internet conformity tax. This is not only smart business but simply fair. Companies selling goods and services online are no different than those in brick and mortar who lawfully collect and pay sales tax to the state. This initiative will level the playing field for businesses trying to compete fairly in an open market system and I thank the Governor for working to push it forward.
I’m also pleased to see the shared services panels made permeant. We have to be committed to reforming how government operates. We can streamline functions and consolidate in order to provide better service at a cheaper cost to our taxpayers.
I will work with our legislators in Albany and the Governor to make sure certain outcomes are achieved that will assist with moving Oneida County forward in all aspects.”
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