Final Call for Falling Leaves; The Race is Sunday
Here's your last call to sign up for the Falling Leaves Road Race.
The 5k and 14k races step off on Sunday morning at 9:00. If you haven't registered yet, you still can this weekend.
Registration can be completed at UticaRoadrunners.org, or on Saturday at The Sneaker Store between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The cost to register Saturday is $31. On Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. a final registration is being held at the Radisson Hotel on Genesee Street in Utica. The cost Sunday is $33.
There is also a 1k kids run that begins Sunday morning at 8:15.
Wayne Murphy and Rick Gloo joined Keeler in the Morning this week to talk about the Falling Leaves race and The Skeleton Run - which is scheduled for October 15th in Deerfield.
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