Griffo And Picente: AIM Arrangement In State Budget Unacceptable
Senator Joseph Griffo and Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente are expressing concerns over the way Aid and Incentives for Municipalities funding is being distributed in the new state budget.
Governor Cuomo called for the elimination of $59 million dollars in AIM funding in his 2019-20 budget proposal.
Griffo says as a result of the state budget passed last week, counties will now have to pick up the cost for AIM and pay for it by splitting $160 million dollars in revenue from a new internet sales tax.
Senator Griffo, who voted against the state budget, says the new AIM arrangement was unacceptable and that there was too much uncertainty regarding if the funding predicted in the budget would actually be available to communities.
“It is completely disingenuous for Albany to claim AIM funding has been restored for towns and villages,” Picente said. “Instead, what has taken place is Albany is robbing Peter to pay Paul, forcing counties to pick up the state's tab.
About $1.1 million dollars in AIM funding will be provided to Oneida County localities in 2019.