Keeler Show Notes for Friday, June 22nd, 2018
Friday, June 22nd, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Simon Owen of Fox News Radio is on this morning to discuss a meeting being planned between Putin and Trump.
- Lou Critelli is a 90+-Year-Old Utica resident who is circulating petitions to bring term limits back to the City.
- Willie Waffle delivers his highly entertaining movie reviews for the weekend releases.
7 AM Hour
- Jim Piccola from the NYS DOT is on this morning with an update on the Burrstone Road bridge project.
- Marc Butler is on this morning to talk about the final legislative session of the year.
- Joe Marino is in this morning to talk about his thoughts on the Mayor's reaction to the UFD controversy.
8 AM Hour
- Tami Seaman is with Majestic Fireworks and she's in this morning to help us wake up the neighborhood again.
- Bob Freeman is with the Committee on Open Government and he's on this morning to talk about what the public should know regarding the UFD scandal.
- We're finally checking in with Chuck Lester who recently was elected to the Ilion Board of Trustees.
- Dino and Richard are in from the OD. They also bring in the Harried Housewife to discuss the latest edition of the Accent Magazine.