Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, November 16th, 2017
Thursday, November 16th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk to us about the Pentagon paying for soldier gender reassignment surgery.
7 AM Hour
- Brandon Lang is on with us this morning to give his weekly NFL picks ahead of your extra-curricular activities.
8 AM Hour
- David Nicosia is with the National Weather Service out of Binghamton. He joins us this morning to talk about the changes they're making to their Winter Weather notification.
- John Naegele is with McCraith Beverages and he's in with our Craft Beer of the Week. We also are joined by Tim Hardiman who is the Co-Owner and Executive Chef of 'The Tailor & the Cook.' We talk to him about his huge National Award.