NY Council Bill Would Create Sex Education Task Force
NEW YORK (AP) — A bill before the New York City Council would create a task force to study how — and whether — sex education is being taught in schools.
The New York Times (http://nyti.ms/2pBhRjr ) says compliance has been spotty despite a 2011 Department of Education requirement that all middle and high schools teach sex education as part of health class.
According to department data, about 43 percent of eighth-graders in New York City had never taken a semester of health class.
Nearly all graduating 12th-graders had taken health. But that doesn't always include sex education, which the department does not track.
The department does not oppose the creation of a task force but questions whether it's possible to review sex education at more than 1,500 schools.
Information from: The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com