Soil Borings For Hospital Project To be Conducted in Coming Weeks
The firm CME will be conducting soil borings in the coming weeks adjacent to the site for Mohawk Valley Health System’s new downtown Utica hospital.
MVHS officials say the soil borings will allow the civil and structural engineers to understand the soil profile in the area.
Information gathered from the work will be incorporated into site and structural analysis.
The initial phase of soil borings will be conducted in the “right of way,” and not on any private land.
Borings will generally be completed daily between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Testing will occur in the following areas in the order listed:
- Cornelia between Columbia and Lafayette (west side)
- Columbia west to east (north side)
- Broadway between Columbia and Lafayette (west side)
Lafayette east to west (south side)
The testing will begin tomorrow and will take about one and a half weeks to complete.