chuck schumer

CHIPS Funding Now Locked-In for Micron and Wolfspeed in CNY
CHIPS Funding Now Locked-In for Micron and Wolfspeed in CNY
CHIPS Funding Now Locked-In for Micron and Wolfspeed in CNY
Senator Chuck Schumer announced today that a CHIPS agreement has been reached with the Department of Commerce paving the way for up to $6.1 billion in direct funding to build a Micron plant in Clay, and allow for a multi million dollar expansion at Wolfspeed in Marcy.
Anthony Brindisi Confirmation Vote Will Be Held Today at 2:30 PM
Anthony Brindisi Confirmation Vote Will Be Held Today at 2:30 PM
Anthony Brindisi Confirmation Vote Will Be Held Today at 2:30 PM
He started as an attorney, became a Utica City School Board member, served as a NYS Assemblyman, and then as a Congressman representing the 22nd Congressional District. Now, Anthony Brindisi of Utica is on the verge of becoming a U.S. Federal Judge in the Northern District of New York.
Chuck Schumer to Airlines: Families Should Fly Together for Free
Chuck Schumer to Airlines: Families Should Fly Together for Free
Chuck Schumer to Airlines: Families Should Fly Together for Free
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer has revealed that he is sick and tired of being sick and tired of "many airlines charging parents deceptive junk fees just to sit with their kids when they travel that can lead to families getting split up on flights." So he's proposing legislation as a remedy.

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