3rd Annual Treadmill Challenge Makes Huge Contribution to Heart Weekend Total
America's Greatest Heart Run & Walk drew nearly 6,000 walkers and runners out into the frigid temperatures on Saturday. Participants helped raise a total of $976,143 to help fight heart disease and stroke.
Our 46th annual WIBX Slocum-Dickson Heart Radiothon helped contribute over $50,000 to the grand total. The 3rd annual Walmart Treadmill Challenge was another huge success bringing in over $15,000 on Friday. Below is the list of participants and their fund-raising totals. Each of our challengers did an amazing job, and Sheriff Rob Maciol and Jennifer Venezio of Body by Design were the top earners.
2017 WalMart Treadmill Challenge Hourly Totals:
Jeff Monaski: $910.00
Paulie Diamond: $570.00
Anthony Picente: $550.00
Blaise Faggiano / David Fontaine: $180.00
Meghan Fraser-McGrogan: $520.00
Angie Pavlovsky: $355.00
Don Shipman: $600.00
Jill Reale: $565.00
Sheriff Robert Maciol: $1,787.00
Jennifer Venezio: $1,665.00
John Bartholomeo: $1,195.00
Ryan Obernesser: $868.00
Spencer Davidson: $210.00
Adam Lawless: $1,281.00
Dr. Stephen Eadline: $690.00
Dr. Maria Gesualdo: $850.00
Anthony Brindisi: $601.00
Mayor Robert Palmieri: $701.00
Kevin Revere: $790.00
Dick Presky: $925.00
TOTAL: $15,813.00
We want to thank all the participants for making this one of the best years yet. We also want to thank everyone who called in a pledge. We totaled over $24,000 in pledges for the weekend.
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