Keeler Show Notes for Friday, August 1st, 2014

***Today’s Topics***
- The Independence Party line will not have Frank Meola and Jack LoMedico on the ballot. This situation is hard to follow due to the fact that there is the County Independence Party and the City Independence Party.
- A similar case to this was Michael Kicinski getting booted from the Congressional Primary race.
- A letter was sent to Tim Julian about his removal from the County Independence Party.
- The New York State Legion Tournament has some games to make up due to the weather.
- Apparently there is no Executive City Independence Party.
- So why does this have anything to do with Jim Zecca and Frank Vescera? They are running for LoMedico and Meola's seats.
- Will Frank Meola ever come on? We talk about the lack of transparency from many of the players in this case including Mr. Meola, who hasn't come on with us ever since the scandal.
- Coming up...WILLIE WAFFLE!
- A reporter from the TODAY show was demonstrating a new smartphone app that repels mosquitoes. Apparently the app sends out a frequency that detracts female mosquitoes from biting.
- So the TODAY show host tries it out and gets bit a lot.
- Don't rule out Donald Trump for possible ownership of the Buffalo Bills. Current Buffalo Sabres owner is still in the running.
Ray Stagich - The Weather Channel
- We talk to Ray about the mosquito app and we commend him on his spot on forecast yesterday.
- So, he tries it again. Ray gives us his daily forecast and talks about the weekend.
Willie Waffle - Weekend Movie Reviews
- A zoo in Africa was transporting a giraffe and it was decapitated by a low bridge. Willie says If people had seen the Hangover III, they would have been prepared.
- Now to Willie's reviews:
Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter Quill is a human stuck in space who forms an unlikely group of heroes to save the galaxy. Willie Likey!
Get On Up - The James Brown story. Willie believes Chadwick Boseman makes the movie!
Before you go to the movies make sure you go to www.wafflemovies.com.
Brian Shapiro - NYS Director of The Humane Society
- Ben is on to talk about the case of 12 cats being stuffed in a garbage bag and thrown out of a moving car.
- They are offering a reward of $5,000 for any information on the capture of the person who did this in Madison County.
- He talks about an effort to get legislation passed to have animal cruelty in the penal system.
- Brian gives props to the local politicians and law makers for their support of animal cruelty penalties.
- The importance of getting people help who are cruel to animals is essential because of the fact that people who are cruel to animals may also be violent to humans.
- We were supposed to speak with Independence Party Chair Ed Zeina, but he traveled out of town for the weekend and his phone service was poor so no Ed Zeina.
- We review the complex and convoluted case of the endorsements of Meola and LoMedico by the Independence Party and the Supreme Court decision reversing it. As a result Tim Julian was removed from the party.
- Andrew tries repeatedly to get Mr. Zeina on the line but to no avail.
- We switch gears to discuss the Governor and his relationship with other people high up in Albany. This special federal attorney can investigate Cuomo without fear.
- Rob Astorino was once said to have no chance, but as of late there may be a chance with all the information coming out, maybe that's not the case anymore.
- We have been trying feverishly to get the Governor on the air, however Bill interviews him anyway.
- We ask him about the Moreland Commission, the SAFE Act, and his victory margin.
- To clear the air, we do know who is running for what office but this whole Independence Party situation is confusing. We may have misspoke.
- Bill finds it hard to believe there is no City Chair for the Independence Party.
- Kevin James is In Studio to promote a Benny Mardones concert at Onondaga Community College to benefit the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund and you can get your tickets at the door. Visit http://www.bennysbash.com/ for more details. The doors open tomorrow at 4:00 for $10 a ticket.
- Coming up we'll speak with Robert Channing who is going to be making some big news with his big announcement.
- Kevin James wraps up and gives a quick band list rundown.
Robert Channing
- Before we get to Robert Bill talks about Michelle Bachmann's ideas on what to do with illegal alien children.
- Robert is in to talk about some videos he has and pictures of the judges that he has painted.
- Robert keeps hearing everything about him still being in it but he has no idea and can't say anything even if he knew.
- Bill talks about the experience going down to NYC to see Robert audition.
Anthony Picente - Oneida County Executive
- Before Mr. Picente, Tom calls up to comment on Michelle Bachmann's comments about the illegal children and the experimental treatment.
Continuing with Oneida County Executive Picente
- Picente talks about Vision 2020 and the progress of the workforce and internships. He also discusses the importance of keeping young people here.
- He also talks about Nano Utica Quad C and the Marcy building. He talks about what will happen there and talks about how positive this is and how it should stay this way.
- Housing is a big goal and he is using Vision 2020 to achieve it.
- Picente addresses issues with the Independence Party concerns and the Party endorsement situation and the Board of Elections part in it.
- Jim calls in with a question about the Oriskany business park in relation to the drones and Marcy Nano Center.
- Finally, to wrap it up for the week, JoJo calls in live from Saratoga Race Course.
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