Keeler Show Notes for Friday, June 7th, 2019
Friday, June 7th, 2019
6 AM Hour
- Willie Waffle reviews two new releases from the weekend:
The Secret Life of Pets 2 - 2 Waffles
X-Men 'Dark Phoenix' - 1.5 Waffles
7 AM Hour
-Whitesboro prepares for state championships in track and field.
-Lori K says former Rome Mayoral candidate pulled out of deal with her teenage daughter to grow pumpkins after cancelling political run
Mike Hennessey on Conservative Party Primary for Oneida County Executive. And, after winning his case on Deomcratic nominating petitions, he reacts to news that the case is being appealed in court.
8 AM Hour
- Rob Esche is on this morning to promote the upcoming Rodeo coming to the ADK Bank Center.