Keeler Show Notes for Monday, July 28th, 2014

***Today’s Topics***
- Pretty good weather this weekend. There were a few big lighting strikes and thunderstorms, but otherwise it's been pretty good.
- There is more unrest and violence going on in the Gaza Strip.
- Putin is rallying people in Russia and attempting to strengthening their military.
- We discuss the Hall of Fame Weekend and the Yankees and Mets.
- Andrew Brindisi, Assemblyman Brindisi's brother, has been indicted on assault charges and leaving the scene of a property accident.
- We will talk with Tim Julian later this morning to discuss some of the issues surrounding the Independence Party and some endorsement paper work.
- Bill's parents have taken in a stray dog and the dog hates all men except Bill's father. Bill was looking after the dog while they were on vacation and when they returned the dog went nuts!
- There is a similar story to the one about Bill's parent's dog. A girl was away from her home for two years, probably at college, and when she returned her dog was so excited to see her it passed out. Here is the video:
- Bill and Jeff have a little Mets discussion and rundown.
- Hall of Fame induction weekend was this weekend and Greg Maddux told an interesting joke during his speech.
- 3 guys rob a gas station only to find that one of the employees was an MMA cage fighter. He beat the daylights out of them.
- A woman in Houston lot her son in Iraq back in 2005. The guys from his unit sent his mother his uniform and they created a tribute flag, which is a tradition where everyone who worked directly with the lost soldier signs it with a message and it gets sent. Another woman found this one at a flea market and bought it for $5 and tracked down the mother.
- A man in Baltimore commented on his mugshot on Facebook saying "Y'all will never catch me." Well, they caught him. Police originally put the mugshot out because of an outstanding warrant.
- We talk about a radio station contest scammer who was foiled due to her bragging about it on Facebook.
- Richard Lewelling from the Weather Channel also gives us his forecast.
- Bill and his wife were working on their patio this weekend. They were using old-fashion flagstone for the patio, an idea from Pinterest.
- Arizona schools are debating the continued education of cursive in their schools.
- The debate has also been reopened about the death penalty and whether or not the firing squad should be brought back.
Don Laible
- We speak with Don about his trip to Cooperstown and the Hall of Fame induction ceremony.
- Don talks about the amount of Braves fans that made the trip up and that was the majority of the crowd. There weren't as many Yankees fans as Don would have thought.
- He did talk about Joe Torre and the large family he has and the majority of his family made the trip including a child living in Dubai.
- Don also got a few interviews with some Hall of Famers.
- Workers at John Hopkins hospital has now installed a breast feeding equipment vending machine next to the Coke machines.
- Rapid melting ice cream is a problem, so much so that a Canadian man called Bill a pig because of it.
- Apparently Wal-Mart ice cream sandwiches do not melt. A woman realized that an ice cream sandwich she gave her son was left out for 12 hours stayed whole in 80 degree weather.
- It all comes down to chemicals in the ice cream sandwiches.
- Coming up we will speak with Jeff Birnbaum, a FOX News Analyst, to talk about Putin and Obama.
- We also discuss the indictment of Andrew Brindisi and the Independence Party situation with Tim Julian.
- We take a look at some polls for the next Presidential Candidates and Rand Paul right now is the front-runner.
- A man in Orange County who owned a towing company and he towed people's cars who were attending "Gay Days" which was a gay pride event.
Jeff Birnbaum - FOX News Analyst
- Jeff gives us an update about what's going on in Russia and the Middle East.
- Many people are comparing Putin to Ronald Reagen. Obama is laying sanctions on Russia, but none of that will have an effect on Russia unless Europe follows suit.
- This weather has made this Summer an incredible growing season. The herbs in Kristine's garden are doing wonderfully.
- The death penalty is getting another look, at least the method. Some are thinking the firing squad is the way to go. This discussion will continue later this morning.
Andria Heath - Utica Zoo
- Andria was on to promote Brewfest at the Zoo this Saturday, August 2nd, 2014. Get tickets on their website: http://uticazoo.org/ai1ec_event/16th-annual-brewfest/?instance_id=
Tim Julian - Independence Party
- Tim is on to talk about the allegations of Jim Zecca and Frank Vescera.
- Tim defends the endorsements of LoMedico and Meola for the City Council.
- Tim addresses the signatures by Tim as Secretary and Chair, as well as the voice mail left on Zecca's answering machine.
- Tim Julian talks about a meeting held with his Independence Party committee but couldn't discuss details.
- Tim talks about the fact that this is a special election and people have to get out and vote.
- Tim did not mince words about his feelings of Mr. Vescera or Mr. Zecca.
Dr. Gerald Edelman - Medical Expert
- Dr. Edelman is the author of "Sugar Rehab" and he talks about some of the healthier foods and misconceptions.
- Dr. Edelman talks about protein being good for snacks.
- The appeal of Instant Oatmeal is great, the problem is that the sugar content in those does not make them healthy.
- A lot of the stuff that looks healthy, probably isn't. Sugar per serving is very important to pay attention to.
- Dr. Edelman lumps most natural sugar sweeteners together as bad. He is a proponent of artificial sweeteners.
John Brezinski - Herkimer County Legislator
- On August 8th, 2014 John will be holding a charity softball game. Following the Canal Days Parade, 17 Herkimer County Legislators will hit the field and step up to the plate.
- They have had great community support and the Herkimer County legislators are facing other municipality officials in Herkimer County.
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