Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, February 11th, 2016
Thursday, February 11th, 2016
6 AM Hour
We have some school closings and delays today. Plus, a quick check on still-falling gas prices
Latest Keeler Parody song - It's about Harmony Speciale, whose is being tossed around as a candidate for Congress?
WUTR's Marc Barraco is in studio to discuss a two-part series he's working on about the toll Congress can take, especially if you have a family. The second part airs tonight on Eyewitness News
Who's still in? Two more GOP candidates are out, but who will be the next to fall as the field continues to thin
7 AM Hour
Tim Giarruso of Human Technologies and Larry Gilroy of Gilroy, Kernan and Gilroy talk about why the donated a whole truckload of water to Flint
Nick DeMartino of the Onondaga County Bar Association is the attorney heading up an animal advocacy program
Charlie DiGristina of Charlie's Pizza is in studio to award $1,000 to the winner of our Big Game Super Bowl Contest
Candidate for Congress George Phillips is in studio
8 AM Hour
Checking back in with of our partners in the Water Drive for Flint. Tom Heiland, Mike Teal, Steve Sperbeck and Bill Currie
The Barbershop Harmony Society is a great gift for your sweetheart!
A FREE Money Question of the Day, win tickets to Rain, and John Naegele has our On Tap Beer of the Week
It's national 2-1-1 Day (Feb -11). And Brenda Episcopo of the United Way and Betty Joan from Mid York 2-1-1 tell us about the initiative.
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