Keeler Show Notes for Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Today we will speak with John Cook from Herkimer College about technology hacks, Trinh Tuoung who is a Proctor student who wrote an open letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo, and John Naegele will be in to talk Craft Beer of the Week and Utica On Tap.
***Today’s Topics***
- Jim Boeheim told that it may be a whole different team next year. This implies some players may not be there next year. We also start of the day with a little "Goofy" Wheel of Fortune about the 7 dwarves. We also preview what's to come.
Story on 'Wheel of Fortune':
Jessica Golloher - FOX News Correspondent
- Jessica is on to talk about the fallout in Israel and the reactions to Netanyahu speech in America. We're also doing something new for the Radiothon and we will discuss more about it later.
- A man was beaten by a cop and his buddies for being with the cops wife and a substitute teacher is being sentenced to 90 days in jail because of a graphic movie she showed a class.
Story on Teacher:
- We preview the fact that we will talk to Trinh Troung, a Proctor Student, who wrote an open letter to the Governor. Bill saw some red flags in the letter.
Alison Keeler - Bill's Wife
- Ali has been suffering from severe migraines and she thinks she has found a solution. The answer, she believes, is Botox injections. She explains her on-going battle with migraines.
John "The Tech Guy" Cook
- John is on to talk to us about all things technology, but specifically the possibility of new cars being hacked.
Continuing with John
- We talk to John about the iPhone and Android hacks with an update.
Trinh Truong - Proctor Senior
- Trinh Truong is a senior at Proctor High School and she wrote an open letter to Governor Cuomo about her school and district. She is an incredible student and brilliant young woman.
JoDee Blanco - Bullying Expert and Survivor
- JoDee is on to talk about Curt Schilling and his daughter who was abused and bullied online with very sexually explicit language. JoDee shares his story of being bullied and she speaks all over the country.
Check out JoDee's Website:
John Naegele and John Carr
- John Naegele is in with a special edition of Craft Beer of the Week and he's brought with him the owner and founder of Adirondack Brewery, John Carr.
Continuing with Craft Beer...
- The two Johns continue to explain the beers we are sampling and we have a ton of fun.
Cassaundra Baber - Community Foundation
- Cassaundra is in today to discuss MV500 which is an initiative to win $500 Million from the governor.