Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
6 AM Hour
How about this weather? Plus, a reminder WIBX has full audio coverage of tonight's CNN GOP Debate.
Will Michaels and Greg Hatzinger of Utica Mack were out making toy collections on Monday.
Star Wars early release was yesterday. Plus, Tonya J Powers on the story of a NYC principal who banned Santa, the Pledge of Allegiance and Thanksgiving
Audio: Star Wars premiere. Plus, a guy running shirtless in the rain gets a lot of attention in Chicago
7 AM Hour
Dave Dudajek of the Utica Observer Dispatch on a downtown hospital, refugees and Operation Sunshine
Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News Network host and author of 'He Killed Them All: Robert Durst and My Quest For Justice'
Former O.J. Simpson guard Jeff Felix. He shares Simpson's prison yard nickname, his thoughts on whether or not O.J. killed Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman and what privilege 'The Juice' is afforded in prison:
Keeler is excited about the big Christmas Eve show
8 AM Hour
Fox News Radio's Rachel Sutherland. The FAA unveils news rules for drones. Details on registration requirements and more
Leon Etienne and Romy Low in studio. They're performing at Turning Stone this Friday and Saturday night.
The debate about a hospital in downtown Utica is over, it seems, for now. Jim Zecca weighs in on what he learned at last night's South Utica neighborhood meeting
We continue with Jim Zecca. And, a big thank you to Nimey's The New Generation for their Keeler Toy Drive support.
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