Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, July 16th, 2019
Tuesday, July 16th, 2019
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers (FNR) is on this morning to talk about the DOJ and DHS decision to issue a 3rd Country Asylum Rule.
- Rachel Sutherland (FNR) is on to deliver a report on the 2020 latest. Biden has released his healthcare plan and defends Obamacare.
- Peter Franklin of NYC delivers his weekly True Tales. He weighs in on the recent blackout as well.
7 AM Hour
- Lt. Bryan Coromato of the Utica Police is on this morning to give more details on the brutal killing of Bianca Devins.
- Oneida County DA Scott McNamara is in studio this morning to discuss what his office is doing to prepare for the prosecution of Brandon Clark for the alleged murder of Bianca Devins.
8 AM Hour
- Rick Lewis is with the Capitol at Rome and he has a number of events coming up in the next few weeks.
- Ben Dennis of Eyewitness News is in this morning to talk about the latest on the Woodstock 50 plan to hold their show still at Vernon Downs.