Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
6 AM Hour
- Has COVID-19 fatigue hit you yet? According to cell phone usage data, people are going out more and more. Tonya J. Powers (FNR) joins us this morning to report on what the data shows.
- Cancer screenings are dramatically decreasing amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. What does it mean? Rachel Sutherland (FNR) talks about it with us.
7 AM Hour
- How much longer will surgeons have to wait to do elective or non-emergent outpatient surgeries? Dr. Nicholas Qandah (Dr. Q) from CNY Brain and Spine will let us know what he knows on the topic.
- Have questions for Dr. Kent Hall? You can call each day at 7:40 a.m. and ask him anything and everything about COVID-19. If he doesn't know he'll find out.
We also discuss with him today the furlough of nurses.
8 AM Hour
- We open up the phone lines to listeners to get things off their chest and some want to talk about something other than coronavirus. And, we even get a very special call-in from the Impersonator-In-Chief, JL Cauvin.
- We speak with Ryan Nobles of CNN. He announced last week he was assigned to cover President Trump's re-election campaign. But, today we discuss the allegations from Tara Reade against Joe Biden.
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