The Chief Physician Executive at MVHS's Wynn Hospital says he'll be leaving the group early next year. Dr. Kent Hall, who's been practicing medicine since the early 1980s, says he'll retire at the end of January 2024. Hall has been instrumental in the opening of the new Wynn Hospital in Utica, and has guided the medical team at MVHS through the COVID-19 pandemic, and the most recent move into the new downtown Utica facility.
We are now on the verge of witnessing the most widespread distribution of a vaccination in our modern times. In fact, the anticipated COVID-19 vaccination, if successful, will most certainly be one of the most widely distributed in the history of mankind. Dr. Hall answers 3 of our questions.
Should we shelter the vulnerable and just let everybody else get COVID-19 and solve this virus problem once and for all? A handful of doctors presented a report to the White House that a herd immunity approach to the virus was the answer. The report drew strong criticism from doctors and scientists around the world, including Dr. Kent Hall of MVHS.