Keeler Show Notes for Wednesday, August 9th, 2017
Wednesday, August 9th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on this morning to update us on the story of the hackers demanding millions for stolen HBO data.
- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio joins us to talk about the painting of a 'Muslim' Statue of Liberty hanging in a congressman's office. It's got Sarah Palin all hot and bothered.
7 AM Hour
- Anthony Picente is the Oneida County Executive and he joins us this morning to tell us about the serious risk of losing the funding for a Downtown Hospital, or a new hospital period.
- Utica Common Council President Michael Galime joins us in studio to give his thoughts on the hospital project and term limits. He is not shy about giving his opinions.
8 AM Hour
- Steve Bulger is one of several contestants competing for $30,000 from the Community Foundation as part of the Downtown Startup Contest. He's proposing a Food Hub.
- Bethan Maher from the Adirondack Scenic Railroad is on this morning to promote the 25th Anniversary of operations. It's happening this weekend in Old Forge.
- Utica Mayor Rob Palmieri is joining us right now to discuss what his thoughts and intentions are with regard to the Downtown Hospital.
- Ryan Nobles from CNN