Local Comedy Club Teams with WIBX Giving This Weekend’s Tickets Sales to Ukraine
The newly opened Fat Katz Comedy Club, located inside Tony's Pizzeria in Washington Mills, is giving all of their tickets sales this weekend to benefit the war-torn people of Ukraine.
The night club is working with Utica's St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church which already sells potato, cabbage, and cheese pierogi every Friday, to benefit the Ukrainian cause. Fat Katz will deliver a check to the church covering 100% of their $15 ticket price from each of their 4 shows this weekend. The money will be sent to organizations in Poland and Ukraine assisting in medical expenses, supplies, food, water and clothing for injured soldiers and civilians who have been affected by the Russian war on Ukraine.
As an added bonus for people attending the shows, St. Volodymyr Church is donating pierogi to be given to people in the audience free of charge.
National comedian Matt McClowry will headline this weekend’s shows on Friday night at 7 and 9:15 p.m., and on Saturday, at 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m.. Shows will also feature comedians Dan Geurin, Karen Rontowski, and Josh Wilbert. Tickets are $15 each and available for purchase on the comedy club’s website, www.FatKatzComedyClub.com. Fat Katz Comedy Club holds 4 shows every weekend at their newly constructed night club inside Tony’s Pizzeria in Washington Mills.
Club VIP members are still eligible to utilize their 2 tickets for this weekend. If interested, club attendees can give to the fund at the door at this weekend’s shows making checks payable to St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church with “Ukrainian Charity Fund Drive” written in the memo.
The weekend's shows are sponsored by WIBX 950 and the Keeler in the Morning radio show.