New Yorkers are being urged once again to step off the lawnmowers and let the grass go wild. But why?

By now, you've heard of "No Mow May," which is a nationwide campaign to encourages having lawns grow out throughout the month to supposedly help pollinators. The initiative is also geared toward reducing fossil fuel use.

While the jury is still out about whether this is actually a beneficial practice that truly does everything it proclaims, environmentalists have proposed yet another "green" initiative to New York homeowners.

It's called "Slow Mow Summer," which is essentially the concept of "No Mow May" but broader. This new buzz phrase, pun intended, is further geared toward promoting healthy and happy bees.

Germany Counts Its Insects
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According to the Sierra Club, New Yorkers should embrace "Slow Mow Summer" and let those lawns grow out a little longer than usual to "enable lawn flowers to flourish."

And, of course, reduce that dreaded "carbon footprint."

Throughout the mowing season, homeowners are asked to let their lawns grow at least five to six inches tall and cut it no less than three and a half inches. Apparently 3 inches is the magic number needed for lawn flowers to blossom, which will help sustain pollinators.

Bee researcher Elaine Evans, of the University of Minnesota, said:

By having flowers available in lawns, you’re able to support a variety of pollinating insects that will visit those flowers to collect nectar and pollen.

Environmentalists also claim that mowing less produces healthier grass. The concept is that with less mowing, turfgrass roots are allowed to grow deeper - thus making them more hardy and resilient against droughts, weeds, and erosion.

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"Slow Mow May" also tasks homeowners not to mow more than a third of their entire lawn on a single mowing day.  Jon Trappe, a University of Minnesota turfgrass extension educator, claims mowing your entire lawn in one go stresses out the grass and makes it more susceptible for weed growth and other ailments.

And, to put a bow on this big ask, environmentalists are asking "Slow Mow Summer" participants to stop using herbicide or pesticide.

While this concept is great for all those lazy lawnmowers out there, this initiative could land some homeowners in hot water - especially those under a HOA or who live next to those neighbors... you know what I mean.

Let's not forget those who have allergies who could experience worse symptoms the taller they let their grass grow or people who don't want to invite ticks onto their property - especially during a year like this one.

Read More: New York Tick's Season Will Be Worst Ever in History

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Photo Credit - Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

For those who want to help pollinators but cannot slow down their mowing schedule for whatever reason, planting certain shrubs and flowers can also make a massive difference.

Here's a list of 10 plants that are proven to attract bees and other species that feed on nectar.

In the end, it's a free country. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and can do what they want with the home they own.

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