Oneida County Updates COVID-19 Test Numbers
Oneida County has 244 residents under a mandatory quarentine and so far there have been five positive tests for COVID-19, county officials said on Friday afternoon.
As of 3:00pm Friday, Oneida County had:
- 328 residents tested
- 5 positive for COVID-19
- 244 under mandatory quarentine
- 49 negative test results
- 274 results still pending
Since last Friday, all schools in Oneida County have closed, restaurants have had service cut to take-out or delivery only, bars and malls have closed and businesses have been ordered to have 100% of employees sent home, among many other distruptions to daily life.
''I know it's been hard on everyone. Huge adjstments have been made through the world and throughout this community. You are not alone...we're all in this together,'' Picente said.
''We want the healthy to stay healthy. You can take a walk...this is a good time to connect with your family. Be good to each other, when you're out in the grocery stores or pharmacies or out picking-up food, be nice to your neighbors and friends as you're going about doing things,'' Picente said. ''Life will go back to normal.''
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