Report Cards Issued For CNY Air Quality
Albany, NY (WIBX) - Elementary students aren't the only ones getting report cards this week...the air is too.
The American Lung Association's annual State of the Air report just came out and all counties in Central New York improved.
Herkimer and Oneida both got "B's." Onondaga went from nearly failing with a "D" to a "C." Madison also got a "C." Oswego County made the biggest jump...from a "D" to a "B."
The Lung Association says improvements still need to be made in legislation, regulation, and enforcement, but the public appears to be getting more involved.
The full report can be seen at: www.stateoftheair.org. Information on air quality in New York can be found at: www.lungne.org. The American Lung Association can be followed on Twitter at: @AmericanLungNY and @LungNE and on Facebook.
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