Two Local Non Profits Announce Merger
Two local non-profit organizations are merging.
The Peacemaker Program and the Women's Employment and Resource Center are joining forces under the new name Empowered Pathways.
Mark Leuthauser is the Director of Training and Programs. He says the merger opens up endless opportunities for the newly created agency, including more resources for staff, additional programming for clients and increased funding opportunities.
Executive Director Stephanie Eghigian said, “We are thrilled about the merger and so far, the working relationship between two boards and two sets of staff has been phenomenal. Our ability to better serve our clients is enhanced and we’re bringing together a staff with enormous talent to support each other and form a creative team. We have assured a stable, successful future for Empowered Pathways by joining forces.”
The Empowered Pathways offices will be located in the Mill Square Building on Court Street in Utica.
The merger, which was a year and-a-half in the making, is supported by the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties.
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