The men and women of the Utica Police Department were recognized on Thursday for going above and beyond the call of duty.

The Department's 89th annual Awards Ceremony was held at the Radisson Hotel in Utica.

Deputy Chief Ed Noonan says it's an opportunity to thank the men and women of the UPD who have gone above and beyond the call of duty over the past year.

The following is a list of the award winners:

Honorable Service Award

Anken, Officer Maynard

Aurience, Officer Anthony

Balio, Officer Michael

Basler, Officer Dennis

Bajrektarevic, Officer Dzevad

Bruzzese, Officer Frederick

Bubnis, Officer Sean

Carville, Sergeant Kerry

Cimpi, Sergeant Joseph

Dare, Officer Joseph

Desens, Officer David

DeTraglia, Officer John

Dewey, Officer Paul

Dodge, Officer Jessica

Donaldson, Investigator Aaron

Dongsavanh, Officer Jimmy

Fields, Sergeant Mark

Fitzgerald, Officer James

Flo, Officer Michael

Goldstein, Sergeant Charles

Gracanin, Officer Admir

Kellogg, Officer Ray

Mahaffy, Officer Daniel

Mahay, Officer Michael

Manion, Officer Christopher

Parkosewich, Officer Charles

Scarchilli, Sergeant Frank

Sheppard, Officer Tyler

Sweet, Officer Joshua

Trevisani, Investigator Joseph

Williams, Investigator William

NYS Parole Officer Jeffrey Stewart

Meritorious Service Award

Hulser, Officer Sean

Medal of Honor

Carville, Sergeant Kerry

Exceptional Duty

Basler, Officer Dennis

Bruzzese, Officer Frederick

Flanagan, Officer Sean

Manion, Officer Christopher

Scarchilli, Sergeant Frank

Civilian Service

Hozanovic, Merdin (Parking Enforcement and Animal Control Officer)

Nguyen, Hieu T.

The Ed Ruffing/ Ken Schaaf Memorial Superior Officer of the Year Award:

Lt. Brian Bansner

Unit Citation

Burglary Unit –

Hartnett, Officer Robert

Singe, Officer David


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