Schools across the state are always looking for ways to support the health of their students. One local school has joined forces to create a healthy outlet for kids in their district.

Mount Markham Central School
Mount Markham Central School

Mount Markham Central School District has teamed up with Hannaford Supermarkets to create The Care Closet. This new addition gives students the opportunity to take home some free toiletry or clothing items at no charge.

There are two main purposes for The Care Closet. One is to supply students with these items if they don't have access to them already at home. The second purpose is to educate the middle schoolers on the importance of hygiene and cleanliness.

Mount Markham Central School
Mount Markham Central School

All of the products have been provided at no charge to Mount Markham thanks to Hannaford. The Supermarket has also given the school a generous donation to continue supporting and promoting positive hygiene at the school.

The Care Closet is open three times a week in Mount Markham's Middle School:

  • Monday - 5th Period
  • Wednesday - 5th Period
  • Friday - 10th Period

Students can also make an appointment with a teacher or staff member to visit the closet at another time.

Mount Markham Central School
Mount Markham Central School

Mount Markham hopes this will promote healthier habits for their students at a time when they need it the most. They also hope other schools will follow in their footsteps and continue to find ways to support the health and well being of their students.

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