Keeler Show Notes for Monday, August 8th, 2016
Monday, August 8th, 2016
6 AM Hour
Keeler is back from vacation and there's a lot to talk about: Trump's bad PR week, A-Rod's retirement, American dominance at the Summer Olympics
Discussing the latest poll numbers and Donald Trump's Purple Heart comment
Sad news to report as a 10-year-old child died at a Kansas water park and Delta Airlines has grounded all flights - literally ALL flights - this morning
Keeler is compiling a list - You know you're from the Valley if...
7 AM Hour
Keeler and Monaski are excited about the upcoming Guy's Expo at the Utica AUD. And, more suggestions on Keeler's You Know You're from the Valley list
Speaking with political scientist, Professor Allan Saxe on the latest Trump-Hillary poll numbers. And, does the execution of an Iranian nuclear scientist having anything to do with Hillary's emails?
Kaylin Broadwell, a former DJ on our sister stations had planned on starting her vacation today. But, she's stuck at the airport because of the Delta Airlines situation
CNY K-9 Training and Daycare stops by. Andrew recently had a near dog-death experience. He thinks he should have called our guests before his recent move
8 AM Hour
We've got tickets to give away for Friday night's ESPN Boxing action at the Turning Stone. Plus, Victoria Cataldo from the Masonic Care Community has details on this weekend's Wings and Wheels at the Masonic campus
The thINCubator will award a local entrepreneur $25,000 this week. We get details on the contest, and the five finalists
Bill and Virginia Jaquish own a trailer park in Mohawk. They claim their property is being unfairly targeted for closure
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