Keeler Show Notes for Monday, February 12th, 2018
Monday, February 12th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio is on with us this morning to give an update on the Russia Probe latest and MEMOs latest.
- Simon Owen of Fox News Radio is on this morning to give us a LIVE Olympics update.
- We speak with the uncle of Erin Hamlin, Ray Hamlin, who is at the big watch party at Remsen High School.
7 AM Hour
- Terry Leonard is the Mayor of Ilion and he joins us this morning to discuss the Remington Arms Bankruptcy.
- Chief Russ Brooks joins us this morning to talk about the latest from his court case.
8 AM Hour
- The Mohawk Valley Barbershop Harmony Society is in this morning to promote Singing Valentines.
- Connor Sheehan is a Legal Specialist who is on to talk about the rising number of lawsuits against Big Pharma over Opioid Epidemic.
- Utica College Men's Hockey Coach Gary Heenan is on this morning to recap the win and loss over the weekend.