Keeler Show Notes for Monday, September 17th, 2018
Monday, September 17th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland (FNR) is on this morning to talk about the Manafort Plea Deal.
7 AM Hour
- Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente joins us this morning to address the issue of Dennis Bova calling him "corrupt."
8 AM Hour
- Ron Moshier gives us an update on the local high school football scores from the weekend.
- Mark Kelso is on the Buffalo Bills broadcast team and he joins us this morning to talk about the continued Bills woes and the "early" retirement of Vontae Davis.
- Lou Critelli, Steve Keblish and Chief Russ Brooks are on this morning to talk about the renewed effort to restore term limits to the City of Utica.