Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
6 AM Hour
- How are things going in New York City? The Gabby Cabby Peter Franklin is on this morning to give an update.
7 AM Hour
- There is a company in Frankfort, Genesis Disposables, has been making masks and gowns for years, but now they're having trouble filling orders. Al Zennamo tells us why and explains more about what they do there.
- They were conducting COVID-19 antibody tests at the Price Chopper in South Utica. Utica Comptroller Bill Morehouse was one of those people tested and he tells us all about it.
- With the introduction of antibody tests into the equation we're really eager to speak with Dr. Kent Hall of MVHS. He joins us daily through this pandemic.
8 AM Hour
- Primary Urgent Care in Utica discusses dealing with coronavirus will still serving patients with other medical needs. Dan Trevisani and Dr Anthony Klemick have details.
- The NFL Draft is taking place this week and the first round will be from Commissioner Goodell's basement. We talk this morning with Kye Crabbs from The Draft Network about what to expect.
Unfortunately a computer glich prevented us from playing the National Anthem today. We'll be back with another local performance of The Anthem tommorrow.