Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, April 28th, 2020
Tuesday, April 28th, 2020
6 AM Hour
- The Government continues to provide updates on their response to COVID-19 and Rachel Sutherland (FNR) joins us this morning with a report on it.
- The Gabby Cabby of NYC, Peter Franklin, has decided to give positive news and not the bad news he's delivered the last couple of weeks. He's also talking food and how the city is using taxi workers.
7 AM Hour
- In the age of Coronavirus new technology is emerging. One technology that's been around awhile is getting a software upgrade and could help stadiums and other public places. Lou Bivona joins us this morning to talk about what a company he's involved with is doing and how they're helping children as well.
- MVHS Dr Kent Hall joins us each morning and fields questions on anything and everything COVID-19.
8 AM Hour
- The former owner of Empire Brewing and the new owner call in this morning to talk about how they're working together and what the future of the brewery is. Peter Kreinheder and David Kateles joins us. Peter is the owner of Ellicottville Brewing Company and he took over Empire.
- We always enjoy our talks with Dr. Richard Chmielewski of The Falcon Clinic. He joins us again this morning on the phone to discuss mental health and how they're helping people out with theirs.
We end today's show with the National Anthem from a 5th grade teacher in Utica. She is Jessica Wilk and she also performs with Utica College, Players, & Wilde Rep Theaters.
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