Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, August 1st, 2017
Tuesday, August 1st, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on this morning to talk about a new study that shows women and Hispanics being excluded from movies.
- Peter Franklin is THE Gabby Cabby in NYC and he joins us this morning to deliver his True Tales of the week which you can find each week on his website.
7 AM Hour
- John Bergener Jr. is the Chair of Divide NYS Caucus Inc. He joins us to give his thoughts on why he wants people to vote 'Yes' on NYS Constitutional Convention this November 7, 2017.
8 AM Hour
- Chorbishop John Faris is on this morning to promote the annual Taste of Lebanon celebration this weekend in Deerfield. He's also celebrating 40 years as a priest.
- Rebecca Kearns is the Community Outreach Director for the Utica Boilermaker. She's on this morning to promote the Boilermaker Public Market and FREE Yoga in the garden.
- Matt Episcopo is on this morning to talk about the amazing services he provides in leadership, corporate counseling and other issues.