Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland is on this morning from Fox News Radio to update us on Jared Kushner appearing before Congress.
- Peter Franklin is THE Gabby Cabby and he delivers his weekly True Tales from NYC.
7 AM Hour
- John Zogby from Zogby Strategies is on this morning to talk about his latest column from Forbes Magazine, "Beware of the Outsider in Power."
- Jim Zecca is running for Utica Council-at-Large and he joins us this morning to talk about his press conference yesterday about concerns over the barriers on the arterial. Lou Poccia also calls in to voice his concerns.
8 AM Hour
- Bill and Virginia Jaquish are the owners of the Creekside Mobile Home Park. They're in studio this morning to update us on their court battle.
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