Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, June 20th, 2017
Tuesday, June 20th, 2017
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers of Fox News Radio is on with us this morning to talk about how big cities can protect against people who want to ram vehicles into crowds of people.
- Peter Franklin is the Gabby Cabby and he delivers his True Tales from New York City.
7 AM Hour
- Jerry Acuff is a Workplace culture Specialist and he gives us the 411 on the new trend of Paternity Leave for new dads.
8 AM Hour
- Brian Scala is the Town of Marcy Supervisor and is here to talk about the substation that will be going up at the entrance to the SUNY Poly campus. His concern is that the location will be an absolute eyesore to a potential tenant at the Marcy Nano site.
- Jim Brock is with #NoDowntownHospital on to talk about their "Battle For Our City" event.