
Tuesday, March 31th, 2015

Today we have a lot to talk about including an opportunity for farmers to win a total of $18,000. Also, we talk about education, Sheriff Rob Maciol, and a Saranac story.


PODCAST - Part 2




- Update on stolen eye story, Opt Out and standardized testing, and Tim calls in with his thoughts.

- There is a sad story out of Remington Arms that hits close to home for Bill.

- We discuss the Importance of Remington Arms sticking around and Ray Stagich from The Weather Channel gives us the forecast!

- What's going on with Late Night TV? A guy gets stabbed by his girlfriend over salsa and a there is a story of heroism.

The Beekman Boys

- Josh and Brent are giving farmers the chance to win $18,000 for a "Lift." We talk to them about their story as well and the life of a farmer.

Sheriff Rob Maciol

- Before we talk to the Sheriff we talk about McDonald's and new offerings they're considering. We then speak with Sheriff Maciol about the charity basketball game and the man whose false eye was stolen. Make Checks Payable to "Oneida County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Foundation" and in the MEMO line right "Boonville Vet." You can mail the checks to WIBX c/o Andrew - 9418 River Rd. Marcy, NY 13403.

The Great Education Debate

- Jamie McNair is a teacher from New Hartford that is with Opt Out CNY and he and Bill's discussion spark a number of calls and various points regarding the teacher evaluation testing and more. (Audio to Follow)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Wrapping Up (Went Long Today)

- We get an update on the Veteran's eye fund-raiser and talk briefly with Joe Load.

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