Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
6 AM Hour
- Tonya J. Powers (FNR): A NY gym has decided to open in defiance of the Governor's lock-down orders. They said "We will not stand down."
- We get our weekly True Tales from Peter Franklin and lately it's been the weekly NYC COVID-19 report.
7 AM Hour
- Yesterday, we spoke with John Zielinski. He is a Republican running for the NY Assembly seat currently held by Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon. It's the 119th district and we get the response from yesterday's appearance.
- The House passed a bill that would provide a $3 Trillion stimulus package and we wanted to know the tax impact on that. We speak with Julio Gonzalez about what is in the bill and what it means.
8 AM Hour
- Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente announced Monday that Sylvan Beach would not open for Memorial Day weekend. Sheriff Rob Maciol joins us to discuss what regulations from the Governor would have made opening Sylvan Beach this weekend hard.
- Last week we switched up Dr. Kent Hall's schedule to 8:40 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We want to spread the wealth of his knowledge to our whole audience as he's been a valuable asset to our show.