Keeler Show Notes for Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
6 AM Hour
- Rachel Sutherland (FNR) is on this morning to give us an update on the return of the 'Lame Duck' Congress.
- Peter Franklin is the Gabby Cabby from New York City and he's on this morning to talk about his true tales.
7 AM Hour
- Steve Gassner is in this morning from the local American Heart Association to talk about an event that kicks off today.
- Chief Russ Brooks is on this morning to talk about his annual turkey drive. They still need a few turkeys and the public's help.
- John Swann is with the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties. He's on promoting National Community Foundation day.
- Ray Jadwick used to be with #NoHopsitalDowntown, but now he's out and he's telling us why.
8 AM Hour
- Jon Decker of Fox News Radio calls in to talk about the latest on Hillary Clinton's possible run for President. Kellyanne Conway says, "Dear God, Please Yes."
- State Senator Joe Griffo is in studio this morning to talk about the loss of the majority for Republicans in the State Senate and what comes next.