Military Family Likely To Face Eviction Next Week
It looks like a local military family will be evicted from their home after all.
Updating a story we told you about earlier this week, the Borden family will likely be evicted off their property in Newport next Monday.
''I've spent the last couple of days really trying to see if I could negotiate some satisfactory terms for both sides, however I don't think it's going to work out,'' said Tonya Souza de Lima, who works with Heroes Home and founder of Mission PROTECT.
Appearing on WIBX First News with Keeler in the Morning, Souza de Lima said she wanted to clarify two points:
- The Bordens have been paying rent, Souza de Lima said, refuting some discussion that that have been living there rent free. ''...if they had not been, they would have been evicted long ago,'' she said.
- The husband did in fact serve in Iraq, Souza de Lima said. The attorney for Red Carpet indicated to WIBX that Gerald Borden had been to Texas, but not overseas.
''There was a hiccup in the end of this process. There was a financing issue. The gentleman that owns Red Carpet is a very nice guy and he was trying to work with the family until they could work out a deal. This couple was referred to the wrong people...[the people they were referred to] did not even have a license to practice in that particular realm,'' Souza de Lima said.
''I think the end is sad, but I don't think it was unexpected. The attorney may seem insensitive, he shoots from the hip. But, he's paid to represent his client,'' Souza de Lima said. ''Either God is going to perform a miracle and give them $180,000 to buy this home, or the owner [Red Carpet] will entertain the possibility of letting the family stay in the home until it is sold.''
Either way, Souza de Lima says she will work with the Bordens to help as much as she can.
''I'm trying to find a home that is suitable for them, they are a family of six and one of their sons is a senior in high school so they don't want to move him out of the district,'' she said.
Souza de Lima talks about Heroes Home and Mission PROTECT: